Tiffiniy Yingus Cheng–Poems






when i’m in front of a scoreboard or when i see green, 

i’m behind my maximized brain––seeing my constructed well, customary beverly hill layers of 

what i’m saying your eyes don’t come with—but is interspatial truth—

i’m playing tennis like a pro from the vantage of the seat.

nor before now did i not caress in the eye, see the happenstance:

this is the long picture when i traverse

even when you touch my face hard

i punched lots of your things into your genuine car so you could move, evidential motion is 

what you did, 2012

now i can pace through the athletic fields on the trail

i cling to subsequent curvatures on sight because it might open and be observed

i’ve driven here wanting to crest lawns 

like a baby tarmac on wheels

my body hard in suspension across the green because i put it there, limits of the earth force 

the hand to put form down. 

America’s manicured plot suggests a prior need for convening, green means up. 

i’m on the lawn

the occasions it went so well i busted any tiles in with the eminence’s verve––rejoice in 

producing the earth’s (physicality) relevance

hobnobbing up at second floor porches reflecting the georgic, my eyes dart to the scenario.

an exit to a position of tennis,

force the gesture

to slam what has never been slammed

as war bombs drop like weather all around the court, a consistency, from opposing countries

reason is the meaning i have––the rolling steeple of the throat is in the afternoon, absolute pain 

in the right foot—the pastels of spring excel at my wanting, and nothing in you darts like this.

when you want the description before you understood the summit’s liability

love is when you want the lot of narrative at the same time.

randomly i can smell on my breath the possibility and the happening of that inurement 

when eyes flash green it reflects the film on the screen 

when i longed the most 

it was an athletic bottom and top

as dread prey upon the game

diagonal means more, once in screeches at the coincidences now slantwise eating giant fruit 

they’re blocks askance 

meaning is the rendering i have––the story about that time you needed something from me, 

unresolvable thus a story, thus also gone––that’s the tallness of the steeple, is in the afternoon, 

the marketing-cofounder of my want-and too aware you’re lost with forthcoming memos 

does freedom bound by a ball bounce like houses in the 4 corners of the world

or did i feign to hope so much 

a walking reality, according to the story told in the country at the main intersection

by the store of the same name




we always think of two scenes


a tilt, a draw of milk drawn on consequence. actually no consequence: a draft of a handshake 

that then in practice shakes.


a situation with a pot that makes sense 

as conversation 

as a scene


mild scene, strong scene

the one with the cake 

the one in Brooklyn

the one of industry

a milieu over-effervescenced it 

With everyone’s thoughts. a scene afar tempts a scene close in utero unalike. does make the 

metal-narrative fifty percent of the dongs and stripes are accidental 

attribute the crinkle in truancy song to the time we each found beyond the moment heads 

above burps in balls, come to worn well 

little girls lose it over elemental baldness against the greatest of all dark backdrops

the illusion of the unspeakable make us all shake again 

the truest illusion is true




when you come to know it


the yellow car with a yellow mattress on it knows it, yet the world only comes to know it 

on the road filtered at crosswalks through self’s windows

eyes point west when the merry go round does

collective consciousness seems to have a little explosion 

it’s true only so far and farther beyond that we speak of it


Today, a cut of cloth means 

Money used to buy material

we fought over black pepper 

Legs got so tan as soon as I hit New Jersey 

history is some capriciousness

at every scale, we’re stacking ribbons 

the tributary of seeing landed 

all individual


The dying of the smell at the playground the garbage cans smell early coronary

we’re simply talking diapers roam these grounds in excess of others 

a thought never given though on discovery once on top of the world

now just the latest settlement


still houses wait for people.  

Phenomenology is a park, has a telephone—calls slippery when wet


build higher. 

it doesn’t work that way

yes but the wisdom of build higher

what surfaces are we using, those are the surfaces




great problem of our sector, we disregard our limits

and the limits of the very little

every person’s loungewear understanding is nearly un-parseable

they sit in a drawer not to be seen—in finland, 

water fashions pants.


get lilting beans, feel how to fade into the shade


a presence of context 

time is a profile of nothing else 

even if dormitory, so named by God

not good

density evokes the magic. that’s content

toads in my then lounge, wearing. will never be done drinking at the shore.


panels drive home 

the point, cresting the 

long side of the grape. the long side of enough. of the surf.


it doesn’t have to be a lot.

it has to be a little. and marked.


now I’m forced to ask my idol in the mafia if I really would write with going away on my walls

this i say because it is a feeling i remember having, when i ran from home

don’t let me forget your shorts 

so much of poetry is about a moment, i want it to be about a decade




it’s been too long! how we count time


I have gone face up to. dividends. have not gone when does a hard product bestow its 

presence it comes it’s here when you see it, in office denial. 

year for year there hasn’t been enough wrapping paper to know the piebald you. a techno inner 

belonging tongue that is so many bits on mother’s television.

it comes along in pastry’s shadow

dense and disproportionate to your use of paper towels

when it is that I think of a store when it is that we can go to our delis, coming along without 

jumping the tomato, when it is advantageous to exist as a sandwich in a transit, 

double passenger.

we count time together as a mouth, 8 months but how is it to also count time alone and with all 

hundreds of friends, the cashier, the post person, daughter is getting so big so quickly it’s 

been so long, almost a year but you were just a hot topic and now you have my whole year I 

haven’t seen you. a whole year is yours. also, the kids, I can not be a person when everyone 

has a whole year! torn into by a million raised lawn chairs against each other this year is no 

longer taking commissions. trifling one domestic run-in with the cupboard after at the runway’s 

new desire, covert, and a slick back haircut took place, also this year. the every ding dong and 

free-floating G of every writing moves in front of the other, just to go down the street 

is this goodness’ pour?

remember our trip, try

everything is because we can’t feel success inside, off-gassing humans 

we can’t even realize a true knee positions, off-brand human,

a chicken is never truly there 

got the frontal version of the book at first, the seemingly single stratum roads to airports for 

your spouses that make polygonal out of your drive

you can’t hallucinate the full you like it’s a unit of 1, so, no, no one gets whole years at the 


when we can exist in all our dimensions, we don’t have to count even without proximity, i 

accept all time and place and handicaps

to bet your rest stop or mine be bygone, let the other malodorous meatball transition or writhe 

in colloquial terms, a daily smattering, to pair with is not the same as alone.

luckily, we care more about women since it’s 51% to 49%, all sorted, higher number of years

it’s unclear I can’t fashion a self if aisles divide us into cereal or sauce when we’re standing 

side by side at the store, the latent candle odors of big box counting at the break

I set out to buy a hat, and found a deeply held secret of style and price at headcovers.com, 

but the entreaty of a nation to ship in 2 days is for zippo, i feel cancer––mine, others—on my 

head, it’s impossible to not be morally bankrupt when language can career, we’re made to 

endlessly click with anyone

plastic bends around him, the pointless person because he has a point, he the deeply 

unchivalrous not unlike gave up filet o’fishy this year

all the world’s history in one desires’ breath unrelenting. afoul to the hale. there is no face you 

can put into the ground what can erase the genre chromosome of counting for more than the 

last year, last shipment 

the inner most inner city which you knew when I asked you to leave. 

when you write with a pen you imagine the dotted line and the solid lives of childhood. that’s a 

year too. the pen is so upright, the city must look straight

and everyone gets a year